Monday, September 5, 2016

It's a boy

  So this is my new born blog. it all started a couple of months ago with a teeny weeny embryo that took its final shape with some coding and design.
Carving out a small space in this world wide web, it'll need lots of care and sacrifice and your support in order for it to prosper...

The "Why"

 In the age of information overload, we try to find methods to declutter our minds, and create meaningful outcome with the bits we keep.
 This blog will cover about all aspects of my life. It is intended to be some sort of a cockpit where I can visualize and control all gauges and metrics of my currently somehow unorganized life, a place where I consolidate my thoughts and enthusiasm and dreams and day-to-day living.

The "Who"

 This blog is the right spot for you if:
-You are easily distracted by intellectual shiny objects,
-You like geeking out, and being crafty making DIY projects.
-You want to adopt a healthy lifestyle (eating and sleeping habits, sports, meditation..)

The "How, When, and Where"

 I think blog ideas are better brewed during the minutes/hours preceding sleep when I'm consumed with thoughts about existence, love, and plans to save the world.
 Posting on a daily basis doesn't make sense. To avoid pressure, and let ideas grow organically, I will write when getting involved in gratifying activities or inspiring mini-adventures or when faced with problems to be solved. It all depends on the mood, and how creative I feel.
 And like everyone else, bathroom and toilet are my holy places to spawn innovative solutions, and eureka moments.

The "What"

 The blog posts will most likely relate to my interests.. This is by no means a conclusive list:
-Media production and anything audio/video/photography related.
-Architecture, small space design, gardening.
-Swimming, yoga, board games, card games.
-Languages, poetry, good books, quality movies.
-Physics, history, psychology, traveling...

Behind the title: After the detonation of the first H-bomb, physicist Edward Teller informed colleagues in Los Alamos about the success of the operation in a telegram. Due to the sensitivity of the information, it only reads: "it's a boy". 


  1. Congrats for your new born blog! We love the idea and welcome in the blog world :)

  2. A Hungarian answer deserves a Hungarian reply: Hallo!* Boldog (belated) Születésnapot!
    Raise your „baby” with love and care, educate him wisely and let him rebel when the time has come ;)

    ... Ah, and teach him first that it is spelled „Teller Ede” ^-^ Hallod?

    (*they say Puskás Tivadar answered to the 1st phone call with „hallom” means „I can hear it”. Later on it became „hallo”)

  3. Interesting boy indeed :)
